Saturday, January 21, 2012

Lesson #28 Appreciation is the Best Resolution

Every year on the first day back to school, I have my students in English class write a journal called "Reflect and Resolve".  It is about 8 minutes of written reflection on the previous semester that has just ended, and an 8 minute written resolution for the upcoming semester.  I encourage them to focus on all aspects of the person they are, including student, child, sibling, athlete, musician, employee and so on.  I tell them that it is a way to wrap up last year so we can learn from it and then say good-bye, as well as a time to focus on self improvement with our resolutions.  What they learn later in the week is that it is also a sly way to introduce Ben Franklin's "Moral Perfection" essay to them as well :)

And just like every year before, I join them in both reflection and resolution.  This time, however, I wrote more than usual.  I wrote more than usual because of Liam.  My reflection of the past year now includes this amazing little guy in it- and I must report that some of it included minor regrets as well as just how hard being a new parent is.  But mostly I bathed in the reflection of the joy he brings to my life every day, how much I love him, and how he has taught me.

My resolutions included a lot of cliched things (get in shape, get organized, finish house projects, etc.) but focused mainly on appreciating the small (and large) blessings that I have been given every day.  So here goes...

I appreciate that Liam has such awesome hair that it begs to be coiffed, even by my students who visited my house a couple of weeks ago.

I appreciate that two of the most important things in my life, my family and teaching, can merge occasionally and be celebrated together.

I appreciate that Jacob Schnackenberg, National Honor Society President, was my Secret Santa AND has mad blanket-making skills.

I appreciate Olathe Glass for their beautiful lighted flowers that provide Liam with endless minutes of entertainment and in turn, provide all who care for him endless minutes of saying "No, no, no... don't touch."

I appreciate his strong, chunky legs and big feet that have been helping him stand with strength and confidence, just enough to pull up on things and "cruise" along furniture while trying always to grab the remotes.

I appreciate Liam's bottom two teeth, the first of what is now six to have come in, as they are beautifully visible in almost every picture.  So I guess I should also be appreciative that Liam tends to be a mouth breather- it makes for a better photo.
I appreciate Liam's love for the simple thing in life.  With toy after toy filling up our house at an alarming rate, he can still spend a lot of his time with simple everyday items (that he sees as toys) like Tupperware, pretzel jars, lotion jars and unlit candles.

I, for one, appreciate padded car seats that allow him to fall gently to sleep.  I imagine Liam, however, would appreciate a neck pillow.

I really appreciate his like for Asian food, including Thai Place where he can flirt with the waitresses... 

and dim sum at BoLings where he can flirt with the waiters...

I aprreciate his implied patience and thoughtful pose while I finish fixing his dinner.

I appreciate his learning to share- even though Ryan and I are now constantly offered half-chewed graham crackers and slimy, spit-ridden Oreos.

I appreciate Liam wanting to "help" with the chores.  Ryan and I both kind of like doing laundry, so he takes after us.

We both HATE emptying the dishwasher, so I am encouraged that soon it will be Liam's job.

I appreciate Liam allowing me to dress him up in all of the clothes in his closet, including funny hats and puffy vests.

I appreciate Liam's support of our travel habit, even taking the time to help me pack.

Those are the simple blessings.  The bigger ones are what this blog is usually all about.  My huband Ryan.  Mimi and Papa and Grandma Becky.  My sister Amy.  Her husband Michael.  Jodi, Jeff and Jeremiah.  Shannon, Michael, Benjamin and Dominic.  Aunts and uncles.  Cousins.  And friends, friends, friends.  These are the people that bless Liam's life every day and who complete ours.

And so, like my students, I am striving to hold to my resolutions.  Franklin struggled with the virtue "Order" his whole life.  Maybe I will never run a marathon, or organize my jewelry drawer, or finish all of those household projects.  But I will continue to thank God every day for the blessing of Liam into our lives, and I will appreciate the daily joy that comes with him.  Appreciation is, after all, the best resolution I can make.  Lesson well learned.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Lesson #27 Zubberts are Dangerous

Here's a quick one.

Liam is not a baby who is naked very often.  He's never been one to crawl around in just a diaper, much less without it.  He is pretty much only naked when we are getting him ready for bath, in the bath, and directly after the bath.  And, of course, the frequent diaper change.

So Tuesday I was getting him ready for his bath, loving the softness of his skin as I carried him into the living room to get Ryan.  While I was holding him against my chest, Ryan leaned down to give him a kiss.  It was a very sweet, tender moment between the three of us.

Directly after the kiss, Ryan leaned down to his bare back and gave him a "zubbert."  Some know it as a "raspberry". 

While the sound of the zubbert was still lingering in the air, I felt a warmth.  Not a fuzzy-feely kind of warmth deep inside my heart.  No.  This was a literal one- not so deep and on my shirt.  And then wetness down my stomach, down my jeans, trickling over my boot, forming a lovely pee-puddle on our hardwood floor.

Oh. My. God.  I was just peed on.

I have never seen Ryan laugh harder than he did at that moment.  And I'm laughing now too.  Not then, but now. 

I took a shower in my bathroom while Liam took a bath in his.  Zubberts are dangerous.  Lesson well learned.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Lesson #26 Christmas Should Last At Least A Week Every Year

My last entry was all about our pre-Christmas trip to Colorado... but that was just the beginning of our many holiday celebrations.  My family always jokes that I like my birthday to be celebrated for an entire week instead of just one day.  I guess the same can be said for Christmas.

When we arrived back in Kansas City we had just a couple hours at home and then it was off to Mimi and Papa's for their annual Christmas Eve dinner.  Christmas Eve has always been my family's big thing.  I have this whole pile of memories from our evenings together.  When I was younger, we would each be able to open one present on Christmas Eve.  Later, all of our presents were opened in between sips of wine and lots of laughter.  Most years, we would attend midnight mass at Cure of Ars and listen to the bell choir.  Other years we would stay in and watch Mom put the Baby Jesus in the manger right at midnight (prior to midnight, he would be wrapped in a paper towel in the table's drawer- not quite "swaddling clothes", but it would do).

There are a few traditions that this evening holds.  First, Mom and Dad's house is decorated like a beautiful white and gold fairy land, with a gorgeous tree and mantle.  The table was beautiful as well; so pretty that I didn't want to eat because it would mess it up.  Mom and Dad were wonderful hosts (complete with Mrs. Claus apron to dress the part).

Other traditions include steak soup for dinner.  But this year, Mom made a wonderful chicken soup instead as well as her traditional Christmas Log dessert that her mother, Weeezie, used to make.  It is made with think chocolate wafers and whipped cream and it's probably my favorite dessert ever.  Yum.

After dinner, we hung out in the living room with the Brewers who came over for dinner-  Marilyn (Liam's "Franny"), her husband Ron, his son Brian and Brian's girlfriend Shannon.  While we desperately missed Amy and Michael who couldn't make it back for the holiday, we had a fun few hours just watching Liam play with the puppies, spending time with each other, and toasting another special Christmas Eve.  

This picture makes me nervous.  Look how intense he is looking at the fire.  I hope that is because he thinks it's pretty or wants to become a firefighter, and not because he wants to become a pyro.

He loves his Mimi and Papa.

We left Mimi and Papa's in time to put Liam to bed around 8:30 and to spend some time getting ready for Liam's first Christmas morning, although let's face it, he's not even really aware that anything is going on aside from the fact that he and Lola have recently been forced to dress in Santa suits.

The next morning, Liam gave us a wonderful Christmas gift- he slept until 8:30!  Then, we had our traditional breakfast burritos, after which we opened presents.

The toy below was one of those last minute purchases.  I just figured he might like it, and I guess I was right.  It's this little toy where you turn or press something and then an animal pops up.  The middle pink button pops up a pink panda bear.  It's his favorite, probably because it's the easiest to press with his index finger.  He is really into pointing these days.  So now when we ask him, "Where is the pink panda?" he goes to the toy and pops it open.

Daddy's new John Deere license plate for the truck.

After playing with his new toys for awhile, it was time for nap.  After he woke up, Mimi and Papa had arrived for more presents, stockings, and a Christmas chili lunch.

Aunt Pam and Uncle Tony sent a musical card.  Liam LOVED it and open/closed it so a many times that it was dead by December 26th.

Thanks for the train Mimi and Papa!

Sometimes the wrapping paper and bows were more enticing than the presents.  At least for awhile.

Lola, resting among the stockings.  Probably grumpy from having to wear the Santa suit for the second day in a row.

These black corduroy overalls with fabulous plaid shirt were courtesy of Aunt Amy.  I remember that we shopped for a future Christmas outfit for him when I was just 6 months pregnant.  And now, here he is wearing it. 

Two bowls of chili and some cornbread later, we decided it was a great time for a walk around the neighborhood.

Christmas Day wrapped up with a visit to cousin Jeremiah's house for a toy-playing party, planned weeks ago via an E-vite.  The boys played rock band, wore matching shirts, and shared toys throughout the night.

In this picture, Dominic is winking. Maybe he knows something we don't know?

Liam loves his Uncle Michael M!  He's always so happy to see him.

Somebody found these bandanas and handed them to us.  I wanted us to all look like "hip gangstas" but I think we all look like Aunt Jamimahs from the syrup bottle.

We returned home on Christmas night exhausted but happy with the day and blessed to be able to spend it with those that we love.

The next day, we headed out to my sister Emily's house for the annual Janes Family Ornament Exchange.  Liam had missed his nanny, cousin Jenny and was so happy to see her again.  Liam even let her husband Asante get in on the photo with them ;)

Unfortunately, not all the Janes gang could make it, but the 13 of us that were there still had a great time.  My favorite part was after the exchange, we all went outside to see the horses.  Liam's first horse.  He was far more excited than his daddy was, but I'm proud of Ryan for getting so close to the horse and being a good sport, especially since I know he has a little fear of them.

This is one of my favorite photos of the week- he looks so at home and so happy.  Future cowboy, perhaps?  Or polo player?

On Tuesday, Anita's daughter Kristin, son-in-law Matt, and grandson Grayson came over for a play date.  Grayson is only 5 months older than Liam and the last time they saw each other was on Liam's 6 month birthday.  But the difference that only 4 months has made is amazing!  They actually played together a little bit together and interacted with one another, making each other laugh out loud.  It was so cute.

Gonna getcha Grayson!

Gotcha!  Now, for a hug.

These are two adorable little guys.

Grayson opened his gift from me and low and behold, matching sweaters.

Thanks for visiting, Gray.  You can come over to play anytime you want!

After a couple of days at home of hanging out and cleaning  our basement, we headed up to St. Joe to have our Christmas at Grandma Becky's.  The Bloemkers spent the night on Friday night as well, and the Margherios arrived early Saturday morning for the fun.  Becky's house looked fantastic- the perfect place for a fun-filled day for the boys.  The tree was beautiful, the food was great, and you couldn't beat the company.
Before opening presents, the boys posed for a group photo in their matching pj's.

But group photos can very quickly take a turn for the worse with these guys :)

All four boys were so excited to open presents.

But Jeremiah might have been the most excited.

This isn't actually Liam's present, but he loved the sound of it when he shook it.

It was pretty chaotic for awhile, but Shannon calmed her boys down by reading to them.  I can't wait until Liam is old enough to be calm while reading books.  At this point, he is more interested in eating the cover rather than hearing the story.

Look what Grandma gave me!  It's going to help me walk.

More toys!

These are little subway cars from NYC that we got for the nephews, each with the letter of their first name on it.  They connect magnetically- pretty cool. 

It was time for the adults to open presents.  Here's Grandma with her family collage for the dining room.

Presents opened, books read, time to eat.  We officially have a "little guys" table at Grandma's.  A few adjustments on the high chair and now Liam is able to join them.  I'm not sure that they really liked eating with them though.  He tends to go all "Helen Keller" on people- you know, he goes around just grabbing food off everyone's plate without asking. 

But he didn't seem to mind that they left him.  Probably because they left their plates of food.

How many Christmases have we been able to be outside in just footie pajamas and a hoodie?  It was a gorgeous day and so Ryan got the Gator out for the boys to play with and of course there is always stuff to climb on too. 

I remember when Benjamin didn't like to drive the Gator, but now he's a pro.

More books with Aunt Shannon to wrap up the afternoon.  It looks like they could crush her here, especially when all three are "roaring" at the same time.

2012 brought with it the Talbott family!  Marcia, Ross and Sarah came in on Saturday and Kelly and Nick arrived on Sunday morning.  So we decided to have everyone over for dinner on Sunday night.  Pepporoni pasta, bread, salad.  Luckily Grandma brought the cookies!

Poor Benjamin was under the weather with a bad cold and cough.  It made him extra snuggling and cute though.

Jeremiah, always the ham!

Showing Nick "the pink panda"

I got this Santa plate from my Bunco gift exchange.  Thought I should document what Liam asks for every year.  By the way, he received all three items on the list.

The big finale of our holidays?  The Stuber Family Christmas on Monday, January 2nd.  The next day we would go back to work and settle into what will be our 2012 routine.  But until then, it was time to party some more.

I wanted Liam to wear the cute new hightops I got him (for only $5.99 on sale), but they proved difficult to put on.  How many cousins does it take to dress a 10 1/2 month old?

We arrived at Jodi's house in time for Liam's morning nap.  When we came downstairs after he woke up, lots of presents (and cousins and aunts and uncles and food) had arrived.

Ryan was in charge of grilling the flank steak and tomatoes.

All the boys love Aunt Nancy- she always tells the best stories and has fun ideas of things to do.

Liam found a new friend in cousin Kelly.

Dominic was pretty mellow- everyone had colds.  So he picked up the harmonica... playing the blues, perhaps?  "Nobody knows... the trouble I've seen."

Everyone is cuter when they are wearing a hat.

Cooking together.  Right after this picture was taken, Liam picked up the culinary masterpiece Dominic was working on and dumped it on the floor.  Understandable meltdown from Dom.  Sorry buddy.

The secret gifts had been exchanged, Shannon's annual story was better than ever, we had stuffed ourselves to the gills, and so, with the Christmas 2011 picture officially taken, the holiday celebrations were over.  Time to head home, into 2012, and look forward to another year of "firsts" and blessings, love and laughter. 

So like birthdays, I hope Liam agrees that Christmas should always last at least a week every year.  Lesson well learned.