Saturday, September 24, 2011

Lesson #15 "7 Is a Very Lucky Number"

Liam is 7 months old and I have no idea where the time has gone.  It seems like just yesterday that he was born and we were looking at him with amazement, not believing he was finally here.  And today we still look at him with amazement, not quite believing how much he has changed.

Liam used to have to be swaddled in order to really sleep well.  Now we just put him down at night, wide awake.  He rolls to his side and he's out. 

Liam used to sleep from about 11pm- 3:00am and those 4 hours felt like a gift.  Now he sleeps from 7:30pm-6:30am and somehow I still wake up tired :)

Liam used to be kind of a skinny baby, with long thin legs and arms.  Now, he is a chub.  He has more rolls than a bakery- I swear he could keep coins in some of his thigh dents!

Liam used to only nurse.  Now the guy can't get enough of bottles, cereal, green beans, peas, garden vegetables, sweet potatoes, squash, applesauce, pears and his favorite- mangos!  Still, those are all canned.  The homemade carrots I made for him make him frown.  I'm trying not to take it personally.

Liam used to love to gently rock on the porch.  Now he is happiest, swinging high in the air in the backyard in his new swing.

Liam used to hate the bathtub (well, at least for the first few times), then he sat calmly in the tub but without much emotion on his face.  Now, he is big enough to sit on the "big boy" side of the tub and has just recently taken to splashing and kicking all of the water out of the tub.  Ryan and I get soaked, but love every minute of it. Liam has even stopped freaking out when Ryan pours the water directly over his little head.

Liam used to fit comfortably in the baby car seat, but now, he is getting to be WAY to big to cart around in that thing.  He has graduated to a big boy car seat, but still hasn't figured out how to go to sleep in it.

Liam used to quietly laugh. But now the kid has found his giggle, and uses it often.  Just last night, in fact, I found a tickle spot on him.  The lower right side of his tummy, just above his diaper, is the magic place.  He laughed so hard, I think he wet himself.

Liam used to be something I would think of as "mine" or "ours."  Now I realize that he is his own unique little person, with likes and dislikes, little habits and quirks.  And I love getting to know him more each day.  7 months down, a future to go.  Lesson well learned.


Shannon M. said...

Such great photos, but that last one made me laugh out loud!

jeaneckstein said...

He is so adorable.