Friday, June 15, 2012

Lesson #34: 95% Ain't Bad

My grandma Weezie was a gambler.  She loved the slots.  And I have always said that if I had one vice that I could develop in time, it would be gambling.  Therefore, I avoid casinos most of the time.  So when Renee, our wonderful sonogram technician, announced that she was 95%sure that the baby is a girl, I thought, "I'll take those odds."

A 95% in the classroom is an "A."  Heck, it's almost an A+.  Some of my Advanced Students would KILL for a 95% on anything in my class.  So again, I'll take it.

Ryan however is not the gambler I am.  He wanted to wait until we were 100% sure to announce it, to buy anything, etc.  But we compromised.  We announced it, making sure to inform everyone that it could still be wrong.  And we are keeping the receipts.

June 27th is our next appointment for a sonogram.  This is a Level II sonogram that is very long and very detailed, detecting chambers of the heart and so on.  It can measure blood flow in the baby's small arteries and veins, so certainly, it will be able to tell us if the wee one has a hamburger or a hot dog!

Until then, I say that 95% ain't bad.  Lesson well learned.

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