Saturday, September 24, 2011

Lesson #15 "7 Is a Very Lucky Number"

Liam is 7 months old and I have no idea where the time has gone.  It seems like just yesterday that he was born and we were looking at him with amazement, not believing he was finally here.  And today we still look at him with amazement, not quite believing how much he has changed.

Liam used to have to be swaddled in order to really sleep well.  Now we just put him down at night, wide awake.  He rolls to his side and he's out. 

Liam used to sleep from about 11pm- 3:00am and those 4 hours felt like a gift.  Now he sleeps from 7:30pm-6:30am and somehow I still wake up tired :)

Liam used to be kind of a skinny baby, with long thin legs and arms.  Now, he is a chub.  He has more rolls than a bakery- I swear he could keep coins in some of his thigh dents!

Liam used to only nurse.  Now the guy can't get enough of bottles, cereal, green beans, peas, garden vegetables, sweet potatoes, squash, applesauce, pears and his favorite- mangos!  Still, those are all canned.  The homemade carrots I made for him make him frown.  I'm trying not to take it personally.

Liam used to love to gently rock on the porch.  Now he is happiest, swinging high in the air in the backyard in his new swing.

Liam used to hate the bathtub (well, at least for the first few times), then he sat calmly in the tub but without much emotion on his face.  Now, he is big enough to sit on the "big boy" side of the tub and has just recently taken to splashing and kicking all of the water out of the tub.  Ryan and I get soaked, but love every minute of it. Liam has even stopped freaking out when Ryan pours the water directly over his little head.

Liam used to fit comfortably in the baby car seat, but now, he is getting to be WAY to big to cart around in that thing.  He has graduated to a big boy car seat, but still hasn't figured out how to go to sleep in it.

Liam used to quietly laugh. But now the kid has found his giggle, and uses it often.  Just last night, in fact, I found a tickle spot on him.  The lower right side of his tummy, just above his diaper, is the magic place.  He laughed so hard, I think he wet himself.

Liam used to be something I would think of as "mine" or "ours."  Now I realize that he is his own unique little person, with likes and dislikes, little habits and quirks.  And I love getting to know him more each day.  7 months down, a future to go.  Lesson well learned.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Lesson #14 Like Father, Like Son

I'd like to talk about Ryan.  When I started dating him in 2006 (the first "cycle"), I knew right away that he was a family man.  The first night I talked to him at length, he mentioned his family.  Told me all about his sisters Shannon and Jodi and how they had just moved back to Kansas City, as he had.  I remember fondly that after he talked about it, he quietly said, "It's nice to all be together again."  He continued on and told me about his mom, Becky, and his dad, Dolph, and how long they had been married.  He even mentioned his grandparents and their influence on him, so I knew right away that Ryan was a family man.

During the time we were apart, which was for over a year, a lot happened.  We both lost our fathers.  Ryan lost two of his grandparents as well.  It was a sad time.  But then, the way it often does, joy filtered in through the sadness.  That joy was Benjamin, and suddenly, as Ryan has described it, there was something wonderful to focus on. 

Born in June, Benjamin was about 7 months old when I first met him as "Cycle 2" began and Ryan couldn't talk enough about him.  He told me how he would watch Benjamin on occasion and how much fun he was.  His eyes lit up when he spoke about his nephew.

And now, he has three nephews and is so proud of each one of them.  They all hold a special little place in his heart.

Right away I could see that this family man I always knew Ryan to be had evolved into something more.  Now I could see that he would not only be a great husband, but a wonderful father as well.

And he is. Every day, he is.

He was the rock I needed throughout my pregnancy, the labor, and the c-section.  He held my hand and told me it was all going to be okay, and he was the one who brought Liam to me, all wrapped and warm and cuddly.  He became a master at diaper changing and "shhhhing" to calm Liam when no one else could.  He burped him over and over and actually seemed to enjoy doing it. 

He held him, and slept with him every day when he came home from work. 

And now, almost 7 months later, he is the one who gets Liam up on Sunday mornings to make breakfast for us- the two of them in the kitchen while I listen to their father/son sounds- one speaking in that strong voice I love so well and the other communicating in little giggles and small screams of agreement from his little highchair.  Still in bed, with a smile on my face, I predict that these Sunday morning sounds will continue but evolve into father/son chats about the farm and school and life in general.

I see Ryan walking with Liam, first in the carrier and then the stroller, and eventually side by side.  He is the one who Liam will continue to go to the hardware store with on Saturday mornings while I am at First Watch with the ladies.  They join us now sometimes, just to check in and grab a bite before they go off to do other manly errands.

I see Ryan swinging with Liam.  When he was a newborn, Liam would be swaddled like a little burrito on top of Ryan's chest.  But just yesterday, Ryan built the first part of a playset in our backyard, complete with a big boy swing.  Liam loved it.

I see Ryan taking Liam to his two different jobs- school administrator and farmer.  He loves both vocations, and I love both sides of him.  I hope Liam is as well-rounded as his Daddy.

I see Ryan dressed up for my niece Jenny's wedding, walking around the Kaufman Gardens and pointing out the different plants to Liam.  My guys- so handsome in their black jackets.

I see Ryan encouraging me to have some time alone or with my girlfriends while he watches Liam.  Nightime bottles just the two of them, my Jewel lullabye cd left on "off" while Ryan's IPod plays his "Jack's Mannequin" music in beautiful rebellion.

And when Liam is sick, I see Ryan holding down his arms with sweet strength while he suctions out Liam's nose- a job I hate to do and have little patience for.  Ryan has always had the patience at times that I don't, and calming an upset Liam is a good example of this.

That is what I love about Ryan the most... he balances me, calms me, makes me feel safe.  This husband, this family man, this Daddy.  I can only hope Liam will grow up to be "like Father, like son."  Lesson well learned.

Lesson #13 There's a First Time for Everything

Liam has a baby book.  There are pages to list all the visitors that came to see him in the hospital or at home that first week, a page for his sleep habits and eating routine, and of course there is a place for his first scraps of hair and his first tooth.  But as thorough as that book is, it doesn't cover everything.  You know, important stuff like the first time at Tanner's or the first snotty nose (not for the weak of heart).

I love the idea of documenting Liam's "firsts" in this blog.  You can put more pictures than you can in the book too :)  So, I raise my perverbial glass to all of my little man's firsts... cheers!

First bath on second day home.  Notice that the cup is not the only "fountain" going on.

First dance.  It was with Aunt Amy to "Landslide" by Stevie Nicks.  This reminded us of Pops and so we cried a little.

First time on a snowboard.  The day he came home from the hospital.  Daddy was so proud.

First road trip to St. Joe for Grandma's Retirement Dinner.  Photo op in Grandma's new rocking chair.

First bottle at two and a half weeks old.  I had mixed emotions- on one hand it was nice to not be the only one who could feed him.  On the other hand, it felt very strange to watch him drinking from afar.

First walk with Daddy in the Baby Bjorn.  Yes, it took us awhile to figure it out.  Doesn't Ryan look cute?

First time at Tanners, 3 weeks old.  He still loves it there- the lights, the tv's, the hot waitress Katie.  He's in love.

First visit to SM West on a day without students at 3 weeks.  Erica Warren, Associate Principal and good friend, snuck in a snuggle.

First visit to SM South the visit Daddy at work at 3 weeks.  Diaper change on the desk became a tradition at South, as Liam seems to always poop when he visits.

First REAL smile caught on camera.  Happy mornings in the bouncy seat made for lots of these in the weeks that would come.  He had been smiling for awhile, but this picture was at about 5 weeks.

First visit to Foo's Fabulous Custard.  We met Shannon and Michael and the boys for Tuesday Foosday, but Liam didn't love it like we do!  He was 7 weeks old.

First Easter in St. Joe at Hope Church.  It was hit and miss with Liam (look at his skinny legs!)

First time as a centerpiece.  A burrito centerpiece.

First visit to doctor to get shots at 2 months old.  He took it like a pro, even though the nurse stuck him several times with a defective needle.  What a sport!

First plane ride... no better reason to get on a plane at 2 and a half months than to attend Aunt Amy and Uncle Michael's wedding in San Francisco (reception in Napa)!

Our rule regarding shorts growing up is that it had to be at least 70 degrees outside first.  Liam's first day to wear shorts was when he was about 2 and 1/2 months old, and it was 71 degrees when this was taken!

I took this picture at Hope Church because it was the first noticeable giggle from Liam.  I love that it was during a very quiet time in church!  Funny little guy.

First visit to SM West with students present.  This is my block 7 class from last year.  They were a Junior AP English class, and are the class of 2012.  They loved him and it was so great to be able to bring him for a visit.  This was on his 3 month birthday.

First time to find his thumb to suck on it.  He never really does suck his thumb... he "hooks" it into his cheek instead.  Sometimes I call him "Captain"  (as in Captain Hook).  He was 3 months, 1 day old.

First time in the Bumbo seat.  He loved it!   Again, abotu 3 months old.

First time "helping" Daddy with the yard work... I see a future full of these kinds of days, but Liam won't just be watching!

First nap without the swaddle.  He lasted 15 minutes.

First time swimming.  We were at Marilyn's pool and on the way there, I was trying to figure out what Liam should call her.  I call her my "Fr-om" (friend and mom).  I am her "Fraughter."  So it was decided, about 15 minutes before this picture was taken... Marilyn is Liam's "Franny" (friend and Granny)!

First time in Daddy's corn fields!  Doesn't he look right at home?!

First time at the zoo with the perfect host- cousin Jeremiah!  Notice the safari hat... he was ready!

First time he rolled from back to tummy was on this cheesy faux bear rug in Breckenridge in late June (4 months old).  He rolled over about 10 times that day, just out of the blue.  He's been sleeping on his tummy ever since.

First professional photo shoot.  Breckenridge, CO at 4 months with our wedding photographer, Robin.

First rock and roll band.  Liam is the lead singer, Dominic on keyboards, Benjamin and Jeremiah wailing on guitar.  Fourth of July, 2011.

First fireworks.  Not a fan.  He wanted to go back inside for band practice.

First time meeting the Tri Delts!  We brought him to Houston before our dinner for Diana being back in town.  He was a flirt!

First bean from our elevated garden.  Yum!

First cereal at 5 month grandparent dinner.  Very exciting.

First haircut the night before his Baptism.  July 30, 2011.

First time on piano, July 31st.  Dominic better watch out... Liam might take over keyboards.

First time at Johnson County Fair.  He went with Mimi and Jenny and LOVED the pigs!

First official play date on 6 month birthday.  He and Grayson Deiter (5 months older) were almost the same height and instant buddies!  Liam even wanted to hug it out.

Awful, but this was his first real cold.  Snot city.  Turned into an ear infection, which was horrible to have to watch him go through.  But the yummy, pink antibiotic worked wonders and he was back to his normal self within a couple of days.

First REAL sitting up with confidence, playing with his "crawl ball".  He was just over 6 months.

First Mum Mum cracker.  He was ambivalent really.

First lipstick face from Aunt Amy.  The first of what should be many in his life, considering all the women who love this little guy.

First attempt to drink a margarita while still under age.  One of many future attempts I predict.  By the way, this was during the first Chiefs game of the season.  The game was awful.  No wonder Mimi was drinking.

First time on the swing in the backyard. September 14- almost 7 months.

And finally, just this evening, Liam attended his first SM West football game.  He saw his buddy, Dr. McLean, tons of my students who have to listen to stories about him every day, and even cheered on the Vikings while in the stands with Mimi and Papa.  It was Grandma's Becky first Vikings football game too!  They lost, by the way.  But we had fun :)

Can't wait to post more "firsts" in the months and years to come!  I guess there IS a first time for everything!  Lesson well learned.